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Paul Goodman (1911 - 1972)

Paul Goodman was an American sociologist, poet, writer, and public intellectual.
As a child, Goodman freely roamed the streets and public libraries of his native New York City, experiences which later inspired his radical concept of "the educative city".
He described his politics as anarchist, his loves as bisexual, and his profession as that of "man of letters".
Goodman is now mainly remembered as the author of Growing up Absurd and for having been, during the 1960s, an activist on the pacifist Left and an inspiration to the counterculture of that era.
He is less remembered as a co-founder of Gestalt Therapy in the 1940s and 50s.


a organização da sociedade americana é um sistema imbricado de semi-monopólios notoriamente venais e um eleitorado notoriamente míope, tudo sob a direcção de meios de comunicação notoriamente fraudulentos